World Forest Forum 2023
Mining a Nature Positive Future
Boliden ska senast 2030 öka den biologiska mångfalden i sin verksamhet. Hur ser företagets färdplan ut för att nå det målet? Sara Carlsén, Biodiversity Coordinator, Boliden, ger här sin och bolagets syn på hur de ska klara målsättningen.
Föreläsningen ges på engelska.
Sara Carlsén is a biologist and biodiversity coordinator at Boliden Mineral. She has an MSc in land reclamation and restoration from Cranfield University with 7 years of experience of ecological restoration, ecosystem services and biodiversity strategy in the mineral extraction industries both in the UK and Sweden. As biodiversity coordinator at Boliden her main task is to steer the company towards its goal for increased biodiversity by 2030. A roadmap is currently being developed to outline the acitivies and timeline for implementation towards that goal. Sara is also project manager of “Mining with Nature”, the roadmap to increased biodiversity in the mining and metals industry. She is also a steering group member for the development of ClimB – a new biodiversity metric to be launched in 2023.